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IAM Group Limited’s vision is instilling the spirit of sharing and giving to everyone who are willing to aid the less fortunate in life. Charities bridge the gap of poverty in any community.  IAM Group Ltd provides a long track record of providing the most effective campaigns to encourage individuals to give help to others. Members of IAM Group Limited came from a wide range of charities, social enterprises and non-profit organizations. We aim to represent the interests of IAM Group Ltd. members in all areas of the society, be it working or non-working sectors.
IAM Group Limited’s vision is instilling the spirit of sharing and giving to everyone who are willing to aid the less fortunate in life. Charities bridge the gap of poverty in any community. IAM Group Ltd provides a long track record of providing the most effective campaigns to encourage individuals to give help to others. Members of IAM Group Limited came from a wide range of charities, social enterprises and non-profit organizations. We aim to represent the interests of IAM Group Ltd. members in all areas of the society, be it working or non-working sectors.



As a volunteer with IAM Group Limited, I have experienced and heard a lot of inspiring stories during my three years with this amazing group of individuals. All of us came from different walks of life, experienced many great and worst things; things which are enough to drive us to join forces together and give some part of our lives to charity. IAM Group Ltd. also enabled us to meet amazing volunteers during charity works from our partner charities, thus making us gain more and more friends.

I was at a volunteer work in Yokohama, Japan last 2011 when I met three wonderful girls: Jenna, Seohyun and Laurie. We really were at ease with each other and before we knew it, we really became best of friends despite the different countries, nationalities and cultures we came from. Some of our co-volunteers would even call us the international quadruplets. When one is planning to do charity events somewhere, the others would make it a point to come.

A year went by and our friendship really strengthened through constant emails and chats. We also became each other’s confidant when we have some issues in our lives.

As the months got by, the communication between Seohyun, Jenna and I were constant but we never heard from Laurie since our last email wherein she said that she was experiencing some minor health issues. We got really worried and continued to send her emails and leave voice messages. It was not until a few months that we received a reply from her: a voicemail to Jenna’s phone saying we shouldn’t worry.

What we learned from her made the three of us rush to her side. During the call which she made to Jenna, she said she was sorry for not contacting and that she had been in the hospital and under treatment for the last months that she had not answered our calls or our emails. She was on the brink of unbelief and depression at her condition that she did not to talk to anyone. Her doctor has told her she had tumor. She refrained from being treated, no chemotherapy or prescribed drugs. She wouldn’t even take pain killers.

A few days before she passed away, we were gathered around her when she asked of her last wish. Her birthday was near coming and we would really want to please her.

She said, “I know in the last few months, I have made a lot of you worry. I know my family have had a hard time and I was even making it worse by saying I would commit suicide. During those times after I was diagnosed with tumor, I really meant to end my life; thinking that I do not have hope anyway so might as well end it so as not to be a burden. I never realized that I still hurt you all the same having those thoughts. I really am sorry for making you lonely and sad because of me. I know I do not have that much time to make it up to you. Now, as my dying/birthday wish, please find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely, and do something for him or her”.

It was an odd moment for all of us present at that time. Laurie, who had done all she could not to make other people’s life miserable also made it a point to let other people live the way she did without knowing it. Right now, I am fulfilling that birthday wish to her as I continue to do charity works. I know she is looking down at us, making sure that we really do fulfil her last wish.



Source: http://www.i-am-groupltd.com
Mr. Tan is a good example that you don’t have to be a powerful politician or a rich person to make a significant change in this world. Because of simple acts of kindness, true honor is achieved.
Mr. Tan is a good example that you don’t have to be a powerful politician or a rich person to make a significant change in this world. Because of simple acts of kindness, true honor is achieved.

Fate of a Garbage Collector


Blood and sweat are the investment of Mr. Tan in his job as a garbage collector. Because he was not able to attend school due to poverty, he still makes it a point to make a decent living for his family. Mr. Tan is already seventy eight years old, but he does not consider retiring any time soon. Every day he goes around the neighborhood, collecting the garbage and salvaging anything that can be of use. He endures the scorching heat of the sun and the seldom pain from his rheumatism just to bring home money.

Despite the difficulties in life, Mr. Tan never complained. As a matter of fact, rarely will you see him frown. Mr. Tan is known to be a jolly person in his neighborhood.

Mr. Tan always pass by in front of the public elementary school, and spends a few of his free time here. Because he loves seeing children.

Before he became a garbage collector, Mr. Tan became the security guard of that elementary school. He was still young and strong then. Everyday Mr. Tan interacts with thousands of students that pass by the gate of the school. Because of his natural diligence, Mr. Tan was unsatisfied just by checking the ID and preventing students from cutting classes, he would voluntarily be a traffic aid and help children to safely cross the street.

Now Mr. Tan is just reminiscing the happy memories of the past as the security guard of the elementary school. He always takes advantage whenever he is passing by the school to still help the little children cross the street. The smiles from the innocent faces of the children, brings inspiration and joy to Mr. Tan’s heart.

But one day, while on his way to the elementary school, in the middle of the heat of the afternoon, Mr. Tan had a mild stroke may be because of stress. Fortunately, somebody came to bring Mr. Tan to the hospital. When he woke up, dextrose was attached to his arm.
“My love, you take a rest now. Thank God everything’s going to be fine.” Mrs. Tan said to her husband while holding his hand.

“Where is my garbage? When will I be discharged?” Mr. Tan asked his wife.

“That is not our concern right now, what is important is that you should rest and regain your strength back.” Mrs. Tan said.

“Do we have the money to pay my hospital bills? I’m feeling fine now, we just go home and there I will rest.” Mr. Tan said.

After a while Mr. Tan’s doctor came.

“Mr. Tan, how are you feeling?” the doctor asked.

“I’m feeling perfectly fine doc. I can go home right now. My garbage is waiting for me, it might pile up.” Mr. Tan said jokingly.

“Mr. Tan I cannot discharge you yet. We still need to observe your blood pressure. It went too high that is why you fainted. You could have had a heart attack if you weren’t brought to the hospital immediately. So, rest for now, let the garbage pile up, ok?” the doctor said.

“But doctor, I have no money to pay my hospital bill. I am just a garbage collector, that is why I want to go home, and there I could continue to rest.”

And the doctor answered.

“Mr. Tan, you have nothing to worry. My services are for free. I will help you find cheap medicines, and I will shoulder all your hospital expenses.”

Mr. Tan could not believe what he had heard.

“Thank you so much doc. I will forever be in your debt.”

The doctor held Mr. Tan’s hand and said:

“Did you know Mr. Tan, that it is I that is in debt to you. Maybe you don’t remember me anymore, when I was a child, you always held my hand and help me cross the street. Did you know that I was very afraid crossing the street on my own. Most of the time, I don’t have my parents around to bring me to school, but when I see you, all my fears go away because I know I will safely cross the street. Mr. Tan I owe you too much. From a little student who is afraid to cross the street, I am now a full pledge doctor. You played a big role in our lives, your concern for us students and guidance everyday to help us cross the street to get to the school safely. Now it is my turn to return the goodness you have shared to us. I will help you cross this bridge and guide you so you can get well soon. Just follow my instructions and you’ll soon regain your strength.”

Mr. Tan embraced the doctor as a sign of his gratitude. And after a few days, he was discharged and gained his strength back. He promised to himself, that as long as God permits, he will continue helping children cross the street and continue to take away the fear from their hearts.

Mr. Tan is a good example that you don’t have to be a powerful politician or a rich person to make a significant change in this world. Because of simple acts of kindness, true honor is achieved. Mr. Tan told the doctor how he did it because he is a member of the IAM Group Limited at Japan Yokohama. He then invitied the doctor to join who has a residence at Singapore.

IAM Group Limited Ltd Japan Yokohama Seoul Korea is a loose group of Christians worldwide with the idea of bringing back basic giving and sharing. We welcome all contributors from anywhere in the world. IAM Group Ltd is based in Seoul, Korea but small groups and communities are now formed in Yokohama, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and as far as Idaho, USA; European countries and many more.

Blood and sweat are the investment of Mr. Tan in his job as a garbage collector. Because he was not able to attend school due to poverty, he still makes it a point to make a decent living for his family. Mr. Tan is already seventy eight years old, but he does not consider retiring any time soon. Every day he goes around the neighborhood, collecting the garbage and salvaging anything that can be of use. He endures the scorching heat of the sun and the seldom pain from his rheumatism just to bring home money.
Despite the difficulties in life, Mr. Tan never complained. As a matter of fact, rarely will you see him frown. Mr. Tan is known to be a jolly person in his neighborhood.
Mr. Tan always pass by in front of the public elementary school, and spends a few of his free time here. Because he loves seeing children.
Before he became a garbage collector, Mr. Tan became the security guard of that elementary school. He was still young and strong then. Everyday Mr. Tan interacts with thousands of students that pass by the gate of the school. Because of his natural diligence, Mr. Tan was unsatisfied just by checking the ID and preventing students from cutting classes, he would voluntarily be a traffic aid and help children to safely cross the street.

Now Mr. Tan is just reminiscing the happy memories of the past as the security guard of the elementary school. He always takes advantage whenever he is passing by the school to still help the little children cross the street. The smiles from the innocent faces of the children, brings inspiration and joy to Mr. Tan’s heart.

But one day, while on his way to the elementary school, in the middle of the heat of the afternoon, Mr. Tan had a mild stroke may be because of stress. Fortunately, somebody came to bring Mr. Tan to the hospital. When he woke up, dextrose was attached to his arm.


“My love, you take a rest now. Thank God everything’s going to be fine.” Mrs. Tan said to her husband while holding his hand.

“Where is my garbage? When will I be discharged?” Mr. Tan asked his wife.

“That is not our concern right now, what is important is that you should rest and regain your strength back.” Mrs. Tan said.

“Do we have the money to pay my hospital bills? I’m feeling fine now, we just go home and there I will rest.” Mr. Tan said.

After a while Mr. Tan’s doctor came.

“Mr. Tan, how are you feeling?” the doctor asked.

“I’m feeling perfectly fine doc. I can go home right now. My garbage is waiting for me, it might pile up.” Mr. Tan said jokingly.

“Mr. Tan I cannot discharge you yet. We still need to observe your blood pressure. It went too high that is why you fainted. You could have had a heart attack if you weren’t brought to the hospital immediately. So, rest for now, let the garbage pile up, ok?” the doctor said.

“But doctor, I have no money to pay my hospital bill. I am just a garbage collector, that is why I want to go home, and there I could continue to rest.”

And the doctor answered.

“Mr. Tan, you have nothing to worry. My services are for free. I will help you find cheap medicines, and I will shoulder all your hospital expenses.”

Mr. Tan could not believe what he had heard.

“Thank you so much doc. I will forever be in your debt.”

The doctor held Mr. Tan’s hand and said:

“Did you know Mr. Tan, that it is I that is in debt to you. Maybe you don’t remember me anymore, when I was a child, you always held my hand and help me cross the street. Did you know that I was very afraid crossing the street on my own. Most of the time, I don’t have my parents around to bring me to school, but when I see you, all my fears go away because I know I will safely cross the street. Mr. Tan I owe you too much. From a little student who is afraid to cross the street, I am now a full pledge doctor. You played a big role in our lives, your concern for us students and guidance everyday to help us cross the street to get to the school safely. Now it is my turn to return the goodness you have shared to us. I will help you cross this bridge and guide you so you can get well soon. Just follow my instructions and you’ll soon regain your strength.”
Mr. Tan embraced the doctor as a sign of his gratitude. And after a few days, he was discharged and gained his strength back. He promised to himself, that as long as God permits, he will continue helping children cross the street and continue to take away the fear from their hearts.

Mr. Tan is a good example that you don’t have to be a powerful politician or a rich person to make a significant change in this world. Because of simple acts of kindness, true honor is achieved. Mr. Tan told the doctor how he did it because he is a member of the IAM Group Limited at Japan Yokohama. He then invited the doctor to join who has a residence at Singapore.

IAM Group Limited Ltd Japan Yokohama Seoul Korea is a loose group of Christians worldwide with the idea of bringing back basic giving and sharing. We welcome all contributors from anywhere in the world. IAM Group Ltd is based in Seoul, Korea but small groups and communities are now formed in:

  1. Yokohama, Japan
  2. Bangkok
  3. Thailand
  4. Kuala Lumpur
  5. Malaysia
  6. Idaho
  7. USA
  8. European countries
  9. and many more.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LS8_70rYsU

"Beauty in One's Heart"


Yesterday when I was about to go to my church to attend to a service, I pick up some bills on my bed and placed in my bag.

Didn’t bring my car as it was just two streets away. My job takes me more time to sit and I preferred walking as my form of exercise. Indeed, it keeps my health, and save gas for me to give to the needy.

As I walk to church, I saw a woman crawling her way on the corner of a building for some scraps. She is carrying a push cart made of wood, and full of black plastic bag, containing her items for her own living to trade for some cash, probably in nearby store accepting her goods.

This is what excites me when I walk going to and from my clients. It made me see those people on streets how hard they want to survive just to make a living.

Seeing the woman picking up her stuff to sell, I paused, and grab my bag and gave her one of the bills that I hope is enough for her to buy a decent food. Then what is worth remembering is doing that thing when my own heart beats in a different way. Walking forward, I made a prayer that hopefully things will be better for her life.

I found this IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) at Seoul Korea. I reviewed their website and this IAM Group Ltd. is best in offering websites focus on helping. Please check it out. Others who lived at Yokohama, Japan started similar vision with IAM Group. Many Asian countries such as Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore have similar group. Any religion or faith are allowed to join. In one common goal, we can give a new beginning for others who never had a chance to live in one good roof.

I would say there are so many lessons we can take from this experience. We may say we are lucky, for those who have made to the top, but that should stop everyone of us to share that ‘good view’. Believe me, it is the kind of love, and a feeling so grand that money can not buy. Giving is always a good exercise for our heavy or light pockets. Believe me, the returns are always positive.@i-am-groupltd.com

IAM Group Limited Reviews on Poverty


I have traveled in different countries, and found out that there are still areas of people that are living in extreme poverty.

Poverty has various causes, some can be removed by eliminating the most complicated underlying causes of it such as changing trends in a country’s economy, lack of education, high divorce rate, having a culture of poverty, over population, epidemic diseases such as AIDS and MALARIA and environmental problems such as lack of rainfall.
It is associated with various economic and social ills such as overpopulation.

Causes of Poverty can be War, Disease, Declining union influence, Economic structures, Lack of education, Parents leaving the family, divorce, teenage pregnancy, domestic abuse, employment abuse, poverty imperative, lack of or inability to afford adequate health insurance, lack of awareness of government policy, industrial change, apathy, greed, overpopulation, inequality, dictatorships, racism, globalization, social factors, high taxation, high growth rate of population, lack of job opportunities in secondary sector, lack of land resources, lack of industrialization, over dependence on agriculture, inflationary pressure, unemployment, drug abuse, income inequalities, immigrant status, minority status, physical and mental illness and disability, loss of job, low wage rates, high medical bills, vulnerabilty, fraud, oppression, theft, disasters, fires, flood, accidents, stolen money, natural disasters and others.

Most we see on televisions are high rise buildings, but the thing is the other side of the success of a country are some parts that were not fully taken care of.

So much needs to be done in our life that we can make a difference in our own way. We do not need to give so much in one time, just give what we can in our own will make it a difference.

On my travels, I went to visit some members of the IAM GROUP LIMITED in Seoul. They are just normal bunch of people who meet in the group and develop websites out of the goodness of their hearts.

I am from Yokohama Japan and when I get back I want to start a group of my own but I believe in Yokohama there is already a beginning of a small group already.

We have only one life. Before we have only one pair of shoes. We shop for black and gray pairs. Now we have other colors for use in our daily lives. If we are lucky, more than our closet can take. These are things that we would say are the extra things in our lives – that we should always be thankful for. What about sharing these blessings for those who have no shoes and worst of all – no food on the table.

This is an opportunity for us to shape the next generation of humanity – giving light for those who are living in a thin strand of hope. Today is the day to touch lives and spire the young and the old. Please join me to spread the word that

IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) focuses on destroying poverty.Learn more about what we have to offer and talk to our members.



Meeting People of IAM Group Limited

I believe that giving and sharing is not only through monetary means. Sharing your experiences, which I am about to do, is also a means of charity, this I learn from IAM Group Limited (Ltd.). helped me by changing my point of view in life, not only that through the inspiration it has given to me and to million others, living life has become an ease.

Through the years, members of IAM group Limited (Ltd.) coming from Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Yokohama, Japan and others from Southeast Asia combine their efforts helping me and others alike.

I remember early in my life, we were always on the move, travelling around Asia, because of my father’s occupation. We started from Korea, for a few years, then to Bangkok, at a limited time, Thailand, Malaysia, presently now I am in Yokohama, Japan.

From the places we have resided, a sibling is born, so imagine a household of different cultures, but we were able to live harmoniously, come to think of it much like IAM Group Limited (Ltd.), because they have members from different countries but still act as one with the same vision of helping and giving to others.
I didn’t see having no permanent residence a disadvantage, although we weren’t able to have our own house, and are limited on material things, friends were our treasures. We have friends from the Southeast Asia, Korea, Bangkok and Thailand.

I always thought life was very easy and simple, having both parents around to support and guide you, along the path of life made me feel secured. Instilling, the values in life, the goodness of the heart the correct and proper attitude towards others was their routine. They did these everyday, everytime, early in the morning, during our meals, when they have time to play with us, and even during our bedtime, where stories put us to sleep.

These shaped us to who we are at present. That is why giving and sharing to others what we have is not difficult for me to do.

Through the years, I wasn’t aware that a lot of the people whom I consider friends are members of IAM group Limited (Ltd.), we have the same outlook in life, there was a time, we shared different stories but have the same ending…being able to share your goodness to those in need.

I am now on my own, my siblings have their own lives, others went back to Korea, others to Thailand, Bangkok and to Malaysia, my parents passed away because of old age, but I am happy. Everyday before I go on to my daily routine, I make it a point to do charitable works, this is possible through the guidance and support of the group.

With a network of friends from different countries, we try to coordinate with IAM Group Limited (Ltd.), because of their millions of members and clear vision and mission of giving and sharing to those in need, we are able to help people who are homeless, in need of food, and even simple acts of sharing time to be with them. Thanks to IAM group Limited (Ltd.)

Interested in joining the fun group of IAM Group Limited (Ltd.)? Click here to know us more.


Charities Recommendations by IAM Group Limited

If you join this site, we have Charities that we recommend because they are non-denominated as our mission in IAM Group Limited Yokohama Japan is about selflessness. We have reviewed these charities for 5 star rating.


Following the success of previous charity events organised by the provided charity links, a hearty group of IAM Group Limited Yokohama Japan staff staged a sponsored medical, food, job and roof for the needy.  Meals are free and financial assistance for a job hunting has been provided.  This is a charity based in Yokohama Japan and some medical services have been provided to a cancer patient in the region.

Over the years generous members of IAM Group Ltd staff from our Korea base have given up their precious weekend time and have done extended hours of work at the office to raise over USD 10,000 for the roof, medicines and jobs.

A big well done to all who participated and we hope the money raised in some way makes a positive impact for those unfortunate souls who have been afflicted by cancer in the local area.

The group also provided videos for healthy living, and highly recommended healthy exercises to keep the body fit and more days in our lives to pay forward.

IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) a loose Christian group worldwide:  South East Asia, including Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Yokohama Japan, and others.

Secret To Hold

Sometimes the beauty of one’s soul is on how much sacrifice she can bear for the love of another soul…



Maila, a friend of mine, is in her third year in College. She is the kind of person who does not talk too much with other people. She does not hang around the corridors or at the canteen, not like other students of her age, after Maila’s class, she is always in a hurry, to go home.

Her classmates are wondering, even her teachers, since they have been her classmates since first year, they don’t know her that much. One time, on a weekend, they saw Maila at the grocery with a little girl, the way she talks and cuddle the girl, made her classmates think that, that little girl is Maila’s daughter.

One time, while Maila was in a hurry to go home after her class, one of her classmate invited her for a snack. Maila declined the invitation and said she was in a hurry because she has to pick up Lora. Soon rumors spread, that Maila is already a mom. But no one knew and and saw if Maila has a husband or even married, since they don’t see any ring on her fingers.

At school, Maila could feel that everybody is looking at her with a judging eye, but she didn’t mind them. In her heart, she knows she hasn’t done anything wrong. Even though rumors spread that Maila is a teenage mom, or an unwed mom, she doesn’t exert any effort to clear the issues. Onetime, Maila passed by to have a chat, she told me she heard the rumors about her and Lora, she feels a bit of pain but says, it’s alright. I told her to tell the truth to her classmates, but she said, it doesn’t matter. What matters is us, Lora and me.

Lora is the name of the little girl, She’s been with Maila ever since she was a baby. The moment Maila laid her eyes on Lora, she promised herself, that she will take care of Lora whatever it takes. Maila found Lora in a vacant lot while she was on her way to school. Maila was on her senior high school year at that time. She heard a baby crying, but thought she was just imagining because she couldn’t see any baby and it was a vacant lot where garbage is dumped. She tried to locate where the sound came from, and found out that the crying sound came from a box. She hurriedly opened it and found out that it had a baby, a beautiful, innocent angel, crying for help. As soon as Maila stroked her cheeks, the baby grasp her fingers and they looked at each other. Maila instantly fell in love with the baby, took her home and promised that she will take care of her.

Maila has sacrificed much in her life. At a young age, she bestowed upon herself a responsibility far greater than anyone else. Taking care of Lora, putting her needs ahead, not minding what others think of her. I admire people like Maila, I have heard about a a group, whose members also help and make sacrifices in their lives, to do charitable works. IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) Korea, is a loose group of Christians who gives back to the people in need basic goods, and also shares faith to give strength to these who are weary. Many inspirational stories are found at their website at their website’s blog, where you will also know that IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) Korea, has members from all around of South east Asia, Yokohama, Japan, Singapore, Bangkok and Thailand.

IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) holds no secret and is open to everyone. Help improve the world byjoining our charities! http://i-am-groupltd.com



I was with my technical staff when we just finished working at client side. We usually take trains to commute from and to office as it is faster, saves time. During our client meeting we were given food to take home. As we were on our way home, we went to the nearest train station. Elevator is very far so we took the stairs. Moving forwarding on the stairs, I saw an old man who looked so pale and thin.

I am a person who never gives money just like that. As I believe in the saying – “Do not give fish. Teach others to fish.” With this, I always bring some food in my shoulder bag in case I will meet those people whose homes are the streets. ATM Areas, Façade of buildings and stores, bus stops, almost everywhere one will find in an hour or two of travel.

If one would really see how many people needs help, my advice is travel as early as 6AM and one will be able to count. As they are sleeping on open areas just to spend the night with a box of papers or plastics that they gathered on that day.

It takes practice to help. Sometimes the opportunity will take you when one is in hurry or just passed in front of that person or the other walks away from you.

Once I saw the old man, I immediately think of food I can give. So while walking few minutes far from him, grabbed my bag and gave the food, and since the old man had someone sitting next to him, I asked my staff to give his own food. It took minutes for him to decide to let go of his food. I was laughing because I realized that not all can do that act.

Kindness when mastered gains self accomplishment, appreciation resulting to thankfulness.


We should be able to teach our children by sharing own’s experiences. Once planted in their young minds and hearts, good virtues such as compassion, fairness, empathy, caring, love, thoughtfulness, understanding and respect for others will blossom in their young hearts. It molds the child’s internal character traits that lead to a armor in their fight for their daily lives giving them long term of unimaginable peace and happiness.

IAM Group Limited (Ltd.), Korea is a loose group of Christians worldwide with the idea of bringing back basic giving and sharing. Joining any similar group will create awareness of simply educating everyone in need to eliminate causes poverty.



IAM Group Limited Reviews

Reblogged from KatherinCeleste:

"A Fire in the Rain"



Sharing with you the birthday experience with different walks of life ending the day with extra-ordinary happiness of an ordinary girl.

Days before birthday celebration of the girl, she asked her best friend if she can join celebrating her birthday with individuals whom deserves celebrating it than her elite friends/co-workers.

It was a gloomy Saturday morning, the girl wearing white top and white pants started to get ready for the special day.  Her best friend just arrived in time for a morning walk.

They both arrived in a place with busy streets and near the market.  They had their breakfast together and planned what are their options.  The girl said who ever we passed by we count until we reached a meal store.  Then when they just both finished having breakfast, they went out and find 3 children soaked in water due to heavy rains ready to sell hard boiled eggs in their basket. Includes in their selling are fragrant flowers.  She felt the rush in her heart that she asked the children’s mother who is in the corner selling also the same cooked hard boiled egg was also invited by the birthday girl if they can all join for a birthday meal.  The girl was touched by the mother’s reply as she just said, “Just take my children I will be fine.”  Out of my looks probably that she said it was okey to take her children at the corner meal store.

As we walk toward the nearest food store, we count each post that we will be giving food.  One is shoe maker, and the regular jobs that we usually see on streets, very thin, dark colored skin, and they usually smell and no regular bath at all.  Some has defects as she remembered has injured eyes.

The children enjoyed their meals and afterwards, they were taken to the nearest store who sells slippers.  They were bought thick rubber slippers for them to use in their daily walk, and extra food and slippers for the mother of 4, and the other sister which is not with them who is taking care of their home.

Their story is about a father who left them for unknown reasons.  With their existing situation, I am so proud of their mother because these 3 kids still managed to go to school.  The eggs and the flowers will crossed them on their day to day living.

After taking them back to their mother, indeed they have a good story to tell.

They went back in the food store, and share everything that their hands can grasp to every corner, every person, that the girl and her best friend would see “a deserving birthday gift”.

Should anyone will be blessed with pockets so full that in one’s lifetime can not be all consumed, try to look for a group who are willing to handle the distribution of your heart’s kindness.



I have seen some foundation who helped in fighting prostitution.  I  can recommend if one can not start own.  Please check the website http://i-am-groupltd.com/ for some links that are worth joining.


IAM Group Limited, Korea is a loose group of Christians worldwide with the idea of bringing back basic giving and sharing.  Joining any similar group will create awareness of simply educating everyone in need to eliminate causes poverty.  They welcome  all contributors  from anywhere in the world.  IAM Group Ltd.  is proud to host this group and provide users with multiple resources to facilitate sharing ideas for greater good of humanity.  We have a preponderance of citizens from: South East Asia, including Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Yokohama Japan, and others.







“A Fire in the Rain.” Reviews: IAM Group Limited (Ltd.) – Korea Yokohama Japan Kuala Lumpur

Sharing with you the birthday experience with different walks of life ending the day with extra-ordinary happiness of an ordinary girl.

Days before birthday celebration of the girl, she asked her best friend if she can join celebrating her birthday with individuals whom deserves celebrating it than her elite friends/co-workers.

It was a gloomy Saturday morning, the girl wearing white top and white pants started to get ready for the special day.  Her best friend just arrived in time for a morning walk.

They both arrived in a place with busy streets and near the market.  They had their breakfast together and planned what are their options.  The girl said who ever we passed by we count until we reached a meal store.  Then when they just both finished having breakfast, they went out and find 3 children soaked in water due to heavy rains ready to sell hard boiled eggs in their basket. Includes in their selling are fragrant flowers.  She felt the rush in her heart that she asked the children’s mother who is in the corner selling also the same cooked hard boiled egg was also invited by the birthday girl if they can all join for a birthday meal.  The girl was touched by the mother’s reply as she just said, “Just take my children I will be fine.”  Out of my looks probably that she said it was okey to take her children at the corner meal store.

As we walk toward the nearest food store, we count each post that we will be giving food.  One is shoe maker, and the regular jobs that we usually see on streets, very thin, dark colored skin, and they usually smell and no regular bath at all.  Some has defects as she remembered has injured eyes.

The children enjoyed their meals and afterwards, they were taken to the nearest store who sells slippers.  They were bought thick rubber slippers for them to use in their daily walk, and extra food and slippers for the mother of 4, and the other sister which is not with them who is taking care of their home.

Their story is about a father who left them for unknown reasons.  With their existing situation, I am so proud of their mother because these 3 kids still managed to go to school.  The eggs and the flowers will crossed them on their day to day living.

After taking them back to their mother, indeed they have a good story to tell.

They went back in the food store, and share everything that their hands can grasp to every corner, every person, that the girl and her best friend would see “a deserving birthday gift”.

Should anyone will be blessed with pockets so full that in one’s lifetime can not be all consumed, try to look for a group who are willing to handle the distribution of your heart’s kindness.



I have seen some foundation who helped in fighting prostitution.  I  can recommend if one can not start own.  Please check the website http://i-am-groupltd.com/ for some links that are worth joining.


IAM Group Limited, Korea is a loose group of Christians worldwide with the idea of bringing back basic giving and sharing.  Joining any similar group will create awareness of simply educating everyone in need to eliminate causes poverty.  They welcome  all contributors  from anywhere in the world.  IAM Group Ltd.  is proud to host this group and provide users with multiple resources to facilitate sharing ideas for greater good of humanity.  We have a preponderance of citizens from: South East Asia, including Bangkok, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Yokohama Japan, and others.






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